作者:检测购系统 发表时间:2021-09-03 14:03:24 浏览次数:168
硕博初稿查重系统 498.00元/篇• 语种:中文/英文 • 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:硕博初稿检测(一般习惯叫做硕博预审版),论文查重检测上千万篇中文文献,超百万篇各类独家文献,超百万港澳台地区学术文献过千...开始检测
维普论文查重系统 4.00元/千字• 语种:中文,英文• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:学位论文查重,维普论文查重入口:高校,杂志社指定系统,可检测期刊发表,大学生,硕博等论文。检测报告支持PDF、网页格式,...开始检测
本科高校内部版系统 288.00元/篇• 语种:中文,英文,小语种• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:比定稿版少大学生联合比对库,其他数据库一致。出结果快,价格相对低廉,不支持验证,适合在修改中期使用,定稿推荐PMLC。—...开始检测
万方论文查重系统 4.00元/千字• 语种:中文• 适用:杂志社投稿,职称论文• 简介:毕业论文查重,万方查重系统,涵盖期刊、学位论文、学术成果、学术会议论文的大型网络数据库;比肩中国知网的学术数据库。最多支...开始检测
About the Shanghai Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Shanghai Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established in 2003. Formerly known as the Medical History Museum of Chinese Medical Association established in 1938, it covers a floor area of 6,314 m2 and an exhibition space of 4,050 m2. Outside the Museum, there is an herbal garden of nearly 10,000 m2.
The layout of Museum exhibitions is based on historical periods and medical facts. There are a total of 8 sections, namely Primitive Medical Practice, Preserved Artefacts in Ancient Health Care, Ancient Medical Practice Management, Well-Known Doctors, Medical Classics and Firsts, Ancient Chinese Culture on Nurturing Life, Modern Chinese Medicine in Shanghai, Herbal Formulas, and Present-day Chinese Medicine. These sections enable the viewers to understand Chinese medical achievements in different historical periods and foresee its bright future.
The Shanghai Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine is also a museum dedicated to national science popularization, national education in Chinese medical culture, and patriotism education in Shanghai. In addition, it is listed as a national AAA (3A) tourist attraction spot.
With the exception of every Monday, Shanghai Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine is open every day (9:00 am―4:00 pm) of the year.